
Monday, October 30, 2023

Son Durak - Tarkan

Lyrics and translation taken from :

Son Durak

Tükettik biz, ne varsa
Kalmadı hiç umut
Güneşli bakan o gözler
Şimdi bulut bulut
Boğazımda bi' düğüm
Tutuldu aşk dilimde
Yıkıldı yere bir bir
Koca dağlar içimde
Çok istedim bu bi' rüya olsun
Senin için akan sular yine dursun
Ama ne zamanki kalbime sordum
"Yok, geri dönüşü yok" dedi
"Bu ayrılık kaderde yazılı" dedi
Sana "Kal" diyemiyorum
"Gitme" diyemiyorum
Son durak bu, biliyorum
Geldik yolun sonuna
Kalp kesti mi ümidi
Atmıyor eskisi gibi
Söndü mü aşk ateşi
Külü alev almıyor, bi' daha
Bir çiçek gibi narin
İhmale gelmez, aşk
Zaman denen hain
Ayırdı yolumuzu, bak
Çok üzülüyorum, inan
Belli etmesem de
Sessizce göz yaşlarım
Akar durur içime
Çok istedim bu bi' rüya olsun
Senin için akan sular yine dursun
Ama ne zamanki kalbime sordum
"Yok, geri dönüşü yok" dedi
"Bu ayrılık kaderde yazılı" dedi
Sana "Kal" diyemiyorum
"Gitme" diyemiyorum
Son durak bu, biliyorum
Geldik yolun sonuna
Kalp kesti mi ümidi
Atmıyor eskisi gibi
Söndü mü aşk ateşi
Külü alev almıyor, bi' daha
Sana "Kal" diyemiyorum
"Gitme" diyemiyorum
Son durak bu, biliyorum
Geldik yolun sonuna
Kalp kesti mi ümidi
Atmıyor eskisi gibi
Söndü mü aşk ateşi
Külü alev almıyor, bi' daha
Son durak bu, biliyorum
Geldik yolun sonuna
Söndü mü aşk ateşi
Külü alev almıyor, bi' daha

The Last Stop

We consumed, whatever was there
There is no hope left
Those sunny eyes are
Cloudy now
A knot in my throat
Love is held on my tongue
Collapsed to the ground one by one
Big mountains inside me
I really wanted this to be a dream
Let the flowing waters stop for you
But whenever I asked my heart
"Nope, there is no going back," it said
"This separation is destined," it said
I can't say "Stay" to you
I can't say "Don't go"
This is the last stop, I know
We have come to the end of the road
Did the heart lose hope?
It doesn't beat like before
Did the love fire burn out?
Its ash doesn't flame, again
Fragile like a flower
Negligence is a no for love
The traitor that's called time
Separated our way, look
I'm so sorry, believe me
Even though I don't make it obvious
Quietly, my tears
Keep dropping to my inside
I really wanted this to be a dream
Let the flowing waters stop for you
But whenever I asked my heart
"Nope, there is no going back," it said
"This separation is destined," it said
I can't say "Stay" to you
I can't say "Don't go"
This is the last stop, I know
We have come to the end of the road
Did the heart lose hope?
It doesn't beat like before
Did the love fire burn out?
Its ash doesn't flame, again
I can't say "Stay" to you
I can't say "Don't go"
This is the last stop, I know
We have come to the end of the road
Did the heart lose hope?
It doesn't beat like before
Did the love fire burn out?
Its ash doesn't flame, again
This is the last stop, I know
We have come to the end of the road
Did the love fire burn out?
Its ash doesn't flame, again

The wedding part 28

Her first destination was Tallinn, in Estonia. She would stay there a couple of days and then she would fly to Riga, Latvia, as these were very safe destinations for single female travelers. In her plans, she noted down to fly also to Vilnius if she felt like extending her vacation. She had taken a couple of days off and she would also work from abroad if she wanted to continue travelling. Her job was anyways flexible. 

She was a translator for different languages: English, Italian, Bulgarian and Russian. She was now working on her Spanish and she was studying it on her own time. She thought that the break from Leo would help her move on with her language skills. And that's how she was spending her days till she flew to Tallinn.

She arrived and felt like she left some heavy load behind her. She was no longer home. She checked her phone out of habit. She was expecting a message or a call, but it seemed like Leo would respect her wishes. 

The same night she went out in a local bar. She mingled with the locals and enjoyed local food and drinks. The next day she went sightseeing around and took few pictures. Her mind was stuck on Leo, but she needed this time alone. She kept visiting the same bar and made some new friends. Amongst them was also a guy from England, named Philip. There was some discreet flirt but she wasn't ready to commit to anything, especially a long term relationship. Therefore nothing happened between them at her own accord. 

The days moved on, she went to Riga and had similar fun there. She was going from mall to mall as it was very cold outside. In fact, it was snowing to both countries she visited so far. Her mind was finally free and her gaze would get amiss in the white scenery. She visited lots of cafes where she worked from on a new translation for her job. Work was gong excellent lately and was very satisfied. Traveling also helped her escape from her routine. The days went by.

She was eventually extending her stay, so she was packing when her phone rang. It had been a whole month since she had left. But the message was not from Leo...

Instead the message came from William actually. "Still dating this asshole?", asked bluntly. She ignored it. But the damage was done. She spent the next hours ruminating about Leo and if he indeed was an asshole. She had no apparent answer. 

Her flight was pleasant, she managed to finish the recent job she had taken and arrived tired at the hotel. She had no mood of going out, so she dined in a nearby restaurant. She was playing with her phone when she accidentally popped open the same message. She was now tipsy, well fed and tempted to respond.

She did. "We have actually split for a while. I am traveling at the moment". She replied honestly. That's where she ended up in her mind. That they had split up. She needed this breath of oxygen in her lungs. The reply came instantly: "where are you now?". "In Vilnius". He messaged back: "Are you having a good time?", he turned polite. "I have been to a couple of countries, met a bunch of awesome people and in short I am having a blast!", she was enthusiastic and cheerful. "Do you miss him?", he asked. Not knowing his intentions, she paused for a moment. 

-Do I? she thought out loud. 

She missed home. But her mind was also wandering around Leo many times. She called him immediately. 

- Jessica?! he exclaimed oddly. 

- Yes, hi Leo. How are you doing ? she replied with a typical question. 

- I am pleasantly surprised that you called.

- Yes, I wanted to know if I miss you, she explained.

-Oh, he paused. So? Do you miss me? he asked hesitantly. 

"What am I doing?" she thought. 

- Well, I do, that' s why I called you. 

- Oh, he exhaled out loudly. 

- Yeah, look, I know this is odd, but...

- But... ?

- Yeah let's say something happened that made me think a lot. 

- What? Are you alright?

- Yes, I do not mean physically... Thankfully, it's nothing like that. 

- Then what is it?

- Well, there is someone... she hesitated. Someone you know...

- Oh Christ, Jessica, why all these riddles. Stop playing me. 

- William is back! she blurted out panicked. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

does marijuana contain nicotine?


No, marijuana and nicotine are two different substances that are not naturally found in each other. Nicotine is a highly addictive stimulant found in tobacco products such as cigarettes, while marijuana is a plant that contains the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoids. However, some products that combine marijuana and tobacco, such as blunts or spliffs, may contain nicotine if the tobacco is mixed in. It's important to note that nicotine can be harmful and addictive, and marijuana use can have potential risks and side effects, so it's important to use these substances responsibly and in accordance with local laws and regulations.

where does marijuana and nicotine bind to (type of receptors)?

Marijuana and nicotine bind to different types of receptors in the brain.

Marijuana's primary psychoactive compound, THC, binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, specifically the CB1 receptors. CB1 receptors are mainly found in the central nervous system, but they can also be found in peripheral tissues such as the spleen, immune cells, and gastrointestinal tract. THC's interaction with CB1 receptors leads to its psychoactive effects, including euphoria, altered perception, and relaxation.

Nicotine, on the other hand, binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), which are located in the brain, autonomic ganglia, and neuromuscular junctions. Nicotine's interaction with nAChRs stimulates the release of several neurotransmitters, including dopamine, which is associated with reward and pleasure. This is why nicotine can be addictive and has reinforcing properties.

Both marijuana and nicotine have effects on the brain and body, but they do so by binding to different types of receptors.

The way that marijuana and nicotine work in the body is complex and involves multiple physiological and biochemical processes.

When THC from marijuana is ingested, smoked, or vaporized, it enters the bloodstream and is carried to the brain. Once in the brain, THC binds to CB1 receptors, which are located primarily in the areas of the brain responsible for memory, mood, and perception. This binding activates a cascade of biochemical processes that ultimately lead to the psychoactive effects associated with marijuana use, such as altered perception, euphoria, and relaxation.

Nicotine, on the other hand, enters the bloodstream when tobacco is smoked, chewed, or vaped, and then quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier to reach the brain. Once in the brain, nicotine binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), which are located on the surface of neurons in the brain. This binding causes the release of several neurotransmitters, including dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine, which can produce feelings of pleasure, alertness, and increased cognitive function. Over time, the repeated use of nicotine can lead to changes in the brain that result in addiction and other negative health effects.

Sure, here's a more detailed explanation:


When THC from marijuana enters the body, it is rapidly metabolized and distributed throughout the body, including the brain. Once in the brain, THC binds to CB1 receptors, which are primarily located in the regions of the brain responsible for memory, mood, and perception. CB1 receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating various physiological processes such as appetite, pain, and mood.

The binding of THC to CB1 receptors results in the activation of a signaling cascade that ultimately leads to the psychoactive effects associated with marijuana use. For example, the activation of CB1 receptors in the hippocampus, a brain region involved in memory, can impair short-term memory and increase forgetfulness. Similarly, activation of CB1 receptors in the amygdala, a brain region involved in emotional regulation, can lead to feelings of relaxation and euphoria.

In addition to CB1 receptors, THC can also interact with other receptors in the brain, such as CB2 receptors, which are primarily found in the immune system and peripheral tissues. THC's effects on these receptors are not fully understood, but they may play a role in some of the therapeutic effects of marijuana, such as pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties.


When nicotine from tobacco enters the body, it is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and reaches the brain within seconds. Once in the brain, nicotine binds to nAChRs, which are located on the surface of neurons in various brain regions. nAChRs are part of the cholinergic system, which is involved in a wide range of physiological processes such as attention, learning, and memory.

The binding of nicotine to nAChRs results in the release of several neurotransmitters, including dopamine, which plays a key role in reward and motivation. This release of dopamine leads to feelings of pleasure and can reinforce the behavior of smoking or using tobacco products. Over time, repeated nicotine use can lead to changes in the brain's reward system, resulting in addiction and other negative health effects such as increased risk of heart disease and lung cancer.

Nicotine can also interact with other types of receptors in the brain, such as beta-adrenergic receptors and serotonin receptors, which can contribute to some of its effects on the body, such as increased heart rate and improved mood.

It's worth noting that the effects of both marijuana and nicotine can vary depending on several factors, including the method of administration, the dose, and the individual's physiological makeup. Additionally, the long-term effects of both substances on the brain and body are still not fully understood, and more research is needed to better understand these complex interactions.

which is more addictive?

Both marijuana and nicotine can be addictive, but the way they affect the brain and body is different, and the likelihood of addiction can vary depending on several factors.

Nicotine is considered to be one of the most addictive substances known to science, with an estimated 80-90% of people who use tobacco products becoming dependent on nicotine. This is due in part to the rapid release of dopamine in the brain that occurs when nicotine binds to nAChRs, which can reinforce the behavior of smoking or using tobacco products. Over time, repeated nicotine use can lead to changes in the brain's reward system, resulting in addiction and other negative health effects such as increased risk of heart disease and lung cancer.

Marijuana, on the other hand, is generally considered to be less addictive than nicotine, with an estimated 9% of people who use marijuana becoming addicted. However, this can vary depending on factors such as the frequency and duration of use, the potency of the product, and individual susceptibility. The addictive potential of marijuana is thought to be related to its effects on the brain's reward system and its ability to produce feelings of relaxation and euphoria, which can reinforce the behavior of using marijuana.

It's worth noting that addiction is a complex phenomenon that can have multiple factors, including genetics, environment, and social factors. Additionally, both marijuana and nicotine can have significant negative health effects beyond addiction, and it's important to use these substances responsibly and in consultation with a healthcare provider.


Sunday, October 1, 2023

The wedding part 27

"Wanna come over for a coffee? I have something to discuss", Jessica sent him few days later."Sure", he replied. "And... I missed you. See you at 17:00?". "Yes".

Leo arrived well dressed and brought with him some sweets from the bakkery. He was in a good mood and was excited to see her after all these days. She welcomed him with a kiss on the lips and a warm hug. They really hadn't seen each other for long again! She poured them some coffee:

- How are you doing? She asked him genuinely.

- I am fine now that I can see you and touch you, he smiled at her.

- Yeah, long time... What's up with your career? All good?

- Yes, thank god I have had lots of work lately. In fact, I m recording a new cd. I will have many nice songs that you may like this time. I signed a contract with company X, so you know, they have great songwriters. 

- Oh really? That is such great news! I love that! she exclaimed.

- I know, I am excited now that I can see you again.

- Ah yes, about that, I wanted to talk to you actually, she hesitated.

- What is it again Jessica?! he nagged. 

- Nothing too crazy, but I would like to take some time alone and travel somewhere...

He looked at her puzzled.

- I want to feel a little bit alone, Leo, that's all. 

- Nothing weird going on, you promise? he kissed her hands.

- Nothing weird, I promise, she relaxed him with her words.

- But when will I see you next then? 

- You will see me once i m back, I m figuring it out for now. It won't be long. 

- Ok baby, we will be in touch he said and was about to kiss her, but she stopped him:

- Well, about this I wanted to talk to you mostly... I want no communication. I want to leave in peace and come back with even more peace. 

He looked puzzled again. She smiled at him. 

- I don't really know what to say but I have to respect your wishes. You will come back and be mine then, right? he assumed.

- What is this, now, Leo? Where is the strong man I knew? she joked. 

- I have a soft spot for you, darling, he whispered in her ear and they ended making love on the couch. 

This time it was very gentle. He was pushing himself inside her so slowly and painfully steadily for hours. She was devouring his whole ego, reaching one orgasm upon another. She came in his hands so many times they lost count. 

This time it was so much different. Like it was their first and only time together. Leo had moved out long time ago and they had more time lately together. Although, today was even more special... Leo fell asleep in her arms, something that had never happened before. Jessica was feeling love for this person. She kissed his forehead and slowly woke him up to send him off to work.

They said their good byes and good nights and Jessica started planning her trip online.