
Sunday, May 2, 2021

Making space for the future

 People come and go in our lives. Sometimes I wonder "why" but then again I have my answers.

You need space.

Space in other words is time.

Some people go, so some others can come. Usually a better version of what we had. Or so I wanna hope.

This is exactly what 2021 has done to me, or what I have managed myself so far. I count some loses, important or not doesn't matter at all, however I can already count the new people in my life : new colleagues, virtual friends (hi Dr Kevin!) future classmates and friends and whatnot.

Some might say I am not comfortable with changes, but seems like I have to beg to differ.

In my turbulent life, I have changed housing and flatmates quite a few times, counting the boyfriends in the same category. I have achieved a short, so far, career abroad, which meant that again I had to move, not only houses this time, but city as well.

And now, I am about to do the same.

The countdown is on again my friends. I won't bother with posts about it, since I don't have an exact date of departure, however I count dearly the days until my most important journey in life begins.

Carefree? I wouldn't say so. I have to still look around for a job, but hey this time it is not that horrible as I have a great key in my possession which is called "experience".

I was so persistent that this is all I needed and now it is proven I was right.

Cheers to the new experiences that are to come!


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