
Friday, January 20, 2023

Just blabbering- advise on studying

I want to talk to you. I haven't seen you in a while. My alter ego. My self in the mirror. My other "me". Another I. 
You and me, alone in here, facing each other. Who are you? Tell me the truth, now. 
What have you brought to the world? What is your contribution? Your studies, huh? Fair enough.
What are your goals? Scary question, I know. Go on, now, tell me. 
What are your feelings? About anything. Example, how do you feel now? Euphoric? Good. Happy and a little cold. I see. Nice music is playing around. 
Back to your goals now. To make people happy? Don't you smirk at me. I know what you mean. Improve your relationships. 
What is consciousness? How am I typing these thoughts? How are these thoughts generated? Then I know they are processed by the eyes, in the occipital cortex. By various layers and steps. I know that. It is literature. Basic knowledge. Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology to be exact. The name of the subject/ course. Let's see in few days if I passed it. 
What do we feel when we miss someone? The absence of love? What is this exactly? How can we even measure it?

You know, for my thesis, and part of my goals now thinking of it, I would like to do something about marijuana. Weed in common lingo. I am in Netherlands, it is legal here, so chill. And I know from other publications, that the researcher should not handle the substance. So I was thinking to ask people to come to the lab, hook them up with an EEG machine (google that), and measure their cognitive abilities by questioning easy questions (history, general knowledge etc) and by giving them some games and see how well they perform and add maybe some speed test to test the speeding and accuracy abilities. These things seem easy to find. We may even have a database (note to self to built one if there isn't - psychological database for games, procedures, tests and other similar activities). I 'm sure I wouldn t even be the first one to do something like this. Note to self to check before I enquire about it (soon-ish)...

I missed you blog. And again back to the question, what is this feeling about?!
Do I really want to publish papers? Am I even able to write something?
I barely finish my stories. Even now I am just blabbering. My head feels empty of words but then again I focus and I pull one extra sentence. Out of thin air. Nowhere. 

Today something changed inside me about my university. It suddenly became an urgent priority. I feel empowered to complete and pass my courses. But I am more eager to learn. And I have been experimenting with different styles of studying. Till now. Now I realize I have to give a lot more effort in what I am doing. Double or even triple. Sad....

So, I have to be going to classes and attend religiously. Even if they are online. Then I have to study the material. Or preferably, do it before technically. Or along side if it is an online lecture. I think what worked better was to study the material prior to watching the lecture as the professors just explain the material. Repeat for all classes. Maybe Keep notes if that helps, for later. Note the important parts from the book. Make your own summary maybe?

Then around the exams, go through the slides. If you don 't understand something watch the lecture. If you have time watch the lectures anyway. And then go by the slides and continue with the summary. If you haven't written a summary check the student drive. There is usually lot's of material there. Quizzlet has quizzes you could use, but personally I don't find them much of use, but more of a time pass between wasting my time and studying/ doing something mildly productive. It is a slow process for me. 

Anyway, I am thinking a lot about consciousness. And I would like to set a little stone to coming a step closer to finding it and solving the binding problem. We only know the theory about the hertz below 80 (Hz). And then the frontal lobe takes place and yada yada, you are not interested at this point, I know. 

But I am. And I need to know details on how the brain functions. Details that may or may not be captured by an exam of roughly 50 questions. Details you may dedicate a whole team of scientists to work on and try to find solutions to questions of decades. 

Wish I could publish my thoughts. Well, I am doing it. But I mean more scientifically. Like they used to do in the past. With all the letter exchanges and the answers to deep questions. Imagine being into a bloodline who has in its possession a letter from Pennfield, or even older, from Hume! Descartes! All these amazing people who altered the course of history. Probably these stuff such as letters are in museums. But just imagine being the great great gre- you get the point- granddaughter of one of those people! I don't think there 's anything more fascinating. 

Maybe I aspire to remain in history like them, but I have known my little influential power, therefore I keep my hopes realistic to none. 
But should you feel like I am the pen-pal I am missing, feel free to fill the gap and message me in any way. Use my email, the reply form below or even ask for my number. Truly, I will respond.

Anyways, I have to return to statistics, which is a course I feel unsure if I can pass. And this at least can apply precisely on this case as this is a mathematical course so whether you know how to solve for X or not. There is no chance of getting it accidentally. There is a chance you will get it wrong though, which raises the difficulty anyway. So, whether you know it or not. And I do not. I am studying it more patiently and I am understanding some topics, which is a win. Slow and steady. Baby steps are better than no steps. Here was text I have erased.

Did I tell you I have a scooter? No, I think because I believe in the "evil eye". Bad energy coming from negative thoughts of people is bringing bad luck and accidents. Funnily enough I wanted to post a pic of it here, but I was thinking of that evil eye and did not. But it snowed and I had to go to my exam. So, I left 10 minutes earlier than intended in order to go slower. And I did. In the beginning the streets had melted snow so it was easy to drive. But then I had to go to the bike lane. It had fresh snow. So I skidded and fell on the fresh snow. Nothing happened, some cute young guy helped me lift the bike and I told him I was okay. I moved on and I fell again one more time, less snow this time ( I actually cannot retrieve a memory from that apart from the fact that I couldn t untangle my legs under the scooter this time).  I felt scared at this moment because I couldn't lift the bike as I was under it. The position was weird to explain. My head was not touching the ground or anything. I was sitting on my legs. With the scooter on my lap. A young cute lady came and helped me thankfully and I learnt to be appreciative of the random strangers help because without them I wouldn t be able to get up. 

Then I was mad and scared so I was going super slow, skidded few times but I used my legs and realized that probably I confuse the break with the handle bar. Which means I speed instead of stopping. The super soco is 72 kg officially. Just googled it for you. I am also around 66,5 kg. Plus the accessories I have put on the scooter (front glass, helmet case, the iron extender for that case). Yeah, if you do the physics necessary for this, you see how difficult it is to drive, on snow. It sliiiips away. And then to end the story I went from the road because they were clean. My heart almost stopped as I am not allowed to drive there with this electric scooter (I have a blue license plate). But the traffic was super slow anyways and people drive well here. I haven 't seen anything crazy.

So I went to my exam and I think as I may have said before, went well. I need to wait few days to get the results now. And this is nerve wrecking. 

Kisses for now, I am going to study.
Anna Maria 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Μάστορας και Μπάσης


Μια πλαστή ιστορία

  Έστριψε τσιγάρο μα δεν το άναψε. Έπιασε τα σπίρτα, μα τα πέταξε πίσω στο τραπεζάκι του σαλονιού. Σκεφτόταν. Που θα βγάλει όλο αυτό; Για πόσο καιρό θα υποκρίνονταν; Το μυστικό που έκρυβε ήταν βαρύ. 

  Μα κάθε φορά που κοίταζε στα μάτια του, σαν τη φιλούσε, ένιωθε μοναδικοί στον κόσμο να είναι. Κάθε αγκαλιά ήταν και μαγεία. Τα γυμνασμένα του χέρια την έκλειναν μέσα τους. Κι εκείνη χανόταν και χάνεται κάθε φορά που την αγγίζει. Το πάθος κι ο έρωτας να στάζουν σε κάθε φιλί. Η ατμόσφαιρα να μυρίζει χημεία και άγνωστο. Το απαγορευμένο. 

   Το άρωμα του μοναδικό. Η ύπαρξή του αιθέρια. Γαλήνιος. Έτσι θα τον περιέγραφε. Μα και τρομερό ταυτόχρονα. Ήταν μυώδης.  Ψηλός και όμορφος. Εξωτικός. Το κάτι διαφορετικό που αναζητούσε κοντά στα πρότυπά της. Μα δεν ήταν δικός της και δε μπορούσε να γίνει δικιά του, παρα μονάχα τα λίγα λεπτά που ξέκλεβαν μέσα στο χρόνο τους. 

   Η τύχη... δεν ήταν με το μέρος τους. 

Friday, January 6, 2023

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Happy 2023!

From both of us!
Sudeep and Anna Maria! 


The wedding part 23

Jessica went for shopping few days later. And she saw Leo's wife with someone in a café. She immediately called him :

- I have an interesting case for you, Leo, she said and smirked.

- What is it baby?

- Your soon to be ex wife is at the Grand café with a male company.

- What? I 'm coming.

They hung up and he indeed found them all in a café, where Jessica was hidden in the corner. She wanted to be discreet but was curious about what would happen and if Leo would find them soon. She couldn't be sure when they would leave.

Leo came few minutes later and they seemed to have a heated conversation with the couple. They all left together. 

Jessica received a call later in the evening. 

- She admitted she had been cheating on me. The divorce is mine next month, he said. I won't change anything at this point. And anyway I cannot have the kids. They better stay with their mother. We can finally be together.

- Not so soon. Not until it s finalized and further. 

She was right and they both knew it. Leo's career was in its zenith. They did not want rumors to spoil it now. He had to protect his kids too. They had to keep meeting secretly for long time ahead. Jessica was uncomfortable with this thought. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The wedding part 22

Jessica wanted to break up with William but couldn't find the proper mindset to do it. In the meantime, William surprised her with a trip to Iceland, which was her favorite place and wanted for long time to visit. They bonded even more. They had such a great time that weekend there that they agreed they should both go back and visit again in the future. They returned back to their lives, with messages and calls daily. Jessica started being distant to give him a cue. The clock was ticking and Leo would be back soon. But William kept surprising her with gifts and activities she had never imagined doing, such as their last. Horse riding!
She was feeling like a bitch for wanting to break up with him, but this time she was serious. After their ride, they sat for dinner near the stable. She started:
- Can we meet tomorrow at my place? I would like to discuss something.
- Yes, sure, although there is this nice movie we could go watch. I have reserved us two seats.
- Can you please cancel it? I want some quiet time. Come for a coffee at around 4, okay?
- Alright. 
And the next day, William was at her door at 4. They chatted generally for half an hour till William brought up the same topic:
- Have you by any chance changed your mind about moving in together? I think it is going pretty smoothly so far, he clapped his hands once.
- Yeah, about this I wanted to talk to you...
- Oh yeah, hear me out, I have a plan! he got excited.
- No William, wait, it is not what you think it is.
- Oh, he quiet down.
- All this is so nice, but it is too much for me. 
The intercom buzzed. She got up and asked who it was. It was Leo. She said it was a bad timing as she had someone over. Leo got mad. He demanded her to open. Jessica excused herself and went downstairs to meet Leo and calm him down. She opened the door and almost yelled at him:
- Why are you back so soon?
- I came to surprise you, but I see you are busy with "someone".
- I was just breaking up with him, I swear.
- It took you almost two months? Two months of being separate, no calls, no message. I didn't even know if you are alive. I had to see your Instagram.
- I know, I was learning your news from the internet and magazines. But, he was full of surprises this period and it had been difficult. 
- Do you need more time Jessica?
- What? 
- I am asking, if you need more time. I m being serious.
He was calmer. Jessica looked at him. 
- I want you, she said. Come in an hour, okay?
- Okay, let's see, he said and turned around.
But before the door closed on its own, Leo slid in and went into the building. He was standing outside of the door and could not hear much. Only the voices without distinction of the conversation.
Jessica inside was explaining herself to William, that a female friend had come over to see her but she had something important to discuss with him so she asked her to leave. 
- What's so important Jessy, tell me, he said in a worried voice.
- William, I want to break up with you. There is someone else I am interested in.
- And what better does he have? 
- Don't ask these things. Let's break things calmly.
William grabbed her and forced himself on her.
- Leave me! she yelled and Leo banged the door.
She ran to open. 
- Leave her alone, Leo said to him.
- What are you doing here, Leo? William asked confused.
- Yeah, what are you doing here Leo, Jessica also asked.
- It doesn't matter. I think you should leave, he ordered William. 
- Is that what famous singers do? Go to other people's houses and give orders?
- Fuck it, Jessica said. William please leave. Leo is the other man in my life.
- I see. I am leaving indeed then.
He left and Leo spoke to Jessica:
- You didn't have to do that. Are you hurt? What did he do to you?
- Nothing, nothing, I am good. He just grabbed me too harshly to kiss me, she said.
- Now he won't ever touch you again. You are mine.
He kissed her with passion. The fire was lit again. 

The wedding part 21

Tuesday came and William showed up with flowers at the airport. He hugged her and kissed her. But she didn't reciprocate. They went for lunch to a nice restaurant where they had some pleasant time. But her mind was in Leo. William noticed something:

- Where is your mind running of to? he smiled at her.

- I think I am a little tired, that's all. I didn't get enough rest last night and tomorrow I have to show up to work. Do you mind dropping me off home after we are done?

- No, no problem at all, he touched her hand. I am going to pay and we can leave, said and kissed her hand.

He dropped her home and left. From the corner, Leo was approaching in a hurry.

- What are you doing here? she asked shocked while unlocking the door to the building.

- I came to see you for a very short time before I hit the airport.

He leaned for a kiss in the elevator. They kissed. And it was magical. Suddenly she was feeling alright. They entered the apartment and they kept kissing. 

- What have you done to me? she asked him.

- No, what have you done to me? he asked back not letting their lips part.

- I put a spell on you, she sang...

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

They fell on the couch, she on top of him. She touched his crotch with her ladyparts and rubbed herself. They moaned. The kisses moved on the necks, where little licks were teasing each other. "I want you", she mouthed to his ear. But something didn't feel so right. His flag was semi standing!

- Is something wrong? she asked. We don't have to have sex, said and kissed his lips softly.

- I saw you leaving William's car and I am uncomfortable. 

- Oh, she muttered.

- You are still seeing him?

- Yes. 

- Listen, I didn't tell you this, but this time I am leaving for 2 months roughly. I will give you this time to clarify the things between the two of you. Do whatever you want. But when I am back, I want you to tell me your decision. My divorce is final, he said firmly.

- Are you giving me an ultimatum?

- Sort of. I cannot stand seeing you with someone else. I want to find him and tell him you are mine, but I cannot because of the divorce.

- Oh you wouldn't do that, she laughed.

- Oh heck I would have. But the press is in every corner.

She stopped laughing when she heard this. She kissed him again and touched his face.

- I understand, she said and planted another kiss on his lips.

- I love you so much, is it that bad?

- No, it is not, she replied while brushing his hair. I love you too, said.

The wedding part 20

She immediately called Leo who was sleeping at that time. She grabbed the paper from a shop on her way to work. 
- Leo wake up, they saw us together. I got the magazine with our headline.
- Oh fuck, he cried out loudly.
- Yeah, are you awake to tell you the story I fed the reporter? I panicked and couldn't think of anything better than what you told me, she was shivering.
- I hope for something simple, but yeah I am awake. Calm down babe, it's okay whatever it is. I will manage something.
- I told them we met for a private event...
- Ok, I had told you that, good.
- Yeah but I think I made a mistake. 
- What is it baby? he frowned on the other side of the line.
- I told them I knew you already.
- Excellent, he let out and smacked his head. Now they will grill me. I will have to think of something.
- Wait. I told him I knew you because we met in the privacy of a hotel room. I didn't know if he knew that and now that I m looking at the paper, they knew. Of course, someone from that hotel told them.
- Okay, then, your story matches, all good. Thanks for letting me know sweetheart. 
- Oh yeah, I panicked so much, I have to calm down and go to the office. 
- Will I see you later?
- Leo, are you sure you want to risk it?
- For you yes.
- My place?
- I will pick you up if you are a good girl. 
- Me, never. 
They hang up. 
He picked her up from her work very discreetly. They went to her place. He was driving a commonplace car so he was carefree to drive around. He was very often using sunglasses, but that day was not very bright, so he avoided them. They didn't kiss, just in case.
They did, once they went to her place. But he was not in the mood for sex for the first time. He apologized and they sat on the couch to discuss.
- I understand you are stressed honey, she said softly and brushed his hair.
- But this has never happened before.
- Don't focus there. Can we just kiss? I missed you.

They kept kissing for long time. They actually lost track of time until her phone rang. It was William's message : "Will I see you tonight?". She replied " I don t feel very well today, maybe another time". She started avoiding him. 
The next days her interview became public but at least there was no photo of her. It was the same paper. Thankfully it was a local one and not very popular. So, the story would get easily forgotten by everyone. She had taken some time away from everyone and everything and focused on herself. 
She went on a trip to Edinburgh. She had fun but was missing something, and that something was Leo. She picked up her phone and called him.
- Hey stranger, she said to him.
- Hi there, he replied in a husky voice. His voice gave her the chills.
- I miss you, she explained. That's why I called you.
- Are you having fun in Edinburgh? 
- It's not as fun as when you are with me, she flirted.
- I know. And I have news. I am going on a small tour with work next week.
- Ah right when I am back, she felt bad. She wouldn't see him for a couple of weeks it seemed. 
- Yes, and then I am off to discuss some matters about the divorce with my ex wife.
- Soon to be, she corrected him.
- Yes, soon to be ex, he agreed with her.
Photo by Leonardo Yip on Unsplash

Minutes later her phone rang again. 
- Hi Jessica, how have you been? It was William's voice on the other line.
- I am fine. Came to Edinburgh for a short get away.
- Yes, I saw the story you posted on Instagram. That's why I called. When are you back?
- Next Tuesday, she explained. 
- Can I pick you up from the airport? I missed you. Or will you be tired?
- Sure, no problem.
- What time are you arriving?
- At 14.00 I am landing, if there is no delay.
- Got it, I will take you for lunch in that case. 
- Great, she exclaimed and they hang up.

Monday, January 2, 2023

The wedding part 19

The door rang and interrupted them. It was a delivery boy with a cake and a box. There was a note on it : " I couldn't be there for your birthday so I am sending you a gift now. Leo". She opened it and it was a pair of earrings. She was amazed.

- Who is this from? William asked curiously.

- It's from a friend who forgot my birthday, she said while hiding the card. Back to our topic, I think it is too early to move in together. I need some time to sort some things first. I just moved and renovated the place, let me think about it.

- I understand he said and kissed her cheek.

Her phone rang from Leo. She picked up.

- Hello and thank you for your gift, she said shortly.

- Did you like it?

- Yes, I loved it but now I have to go as I have company.

- He is there?

- Yes, talk to you later, she said and hang up.

- Was that your friend? William asked.

- Yes, she murmured. Then she faked a headache so William had to leave.

She right away called Leo back:

- Thank you for the gift, it s wonderful.

- I am glad you liked it, he smiled.

- Can we meet?

- Sure, soon?

- Yes, half an hour?

- Ok, hotel Scorpio.

- See you there. 

And they did. They met in the room 326 and they enjoyed a private lunch.

- William wants to move in together, she let out breathless.

- And you? he asked calmly.

- I told him it was too soon, she replied. 

- Okey, he let out.

He held her hand. He kissed it and said that he loves her.

- I love you too, she said.

- But I want you to stop seeing William.

- I want us to start dating properly, then, she demanded.

- You know that's not possible. 

- Then leave me alone, she smirked.

- Alright, he said and stiffened his lips.

Their evening was not as hot as other times, although they had their share of fun. When he slapped her butt, it felt like a punishment to both of them. When he grabbed her hair, it was almost the same. He gave her strong kisses. Bit her lips, bit her shoulder, her hard nipples... He licked her with an ice cube all over her body... But something was off...

Unfortunately for them, someone had leaked their meeting to the press. Not many cared, but still some magazine had a headline "Who is Leo seeing? The mysterious woman X and the hotel room". The paper said that he met with an unidentifiable lady of the age of roughly 30 and reminded the fans that Leo was 36. They commented on how this may affect the divorce, should anyone finds out that Leo had been having an extra marital affair before the divorce gets final. 

The next day some journalist approached Jessica while she was going to work. He asked her if she was the lady with Leo in the hotel Scorpio. She tried to deny it, but he said:

- I already know it was you miss, I was just being polite and he smirked.

- Alright, it was me, but we met for a business reason. I wanted to book him again.

- Again you said? he took some notes on his pad.

- Of course, I wouldn't meet a stranger in the privacy of a hotel room. I had Mister Leo again in the past for private event. 

- Alright, thank you miss. May I ask more personal questions?

- Like what?

- Like your age? Fans love juicy content. And anyways I will try to guess, so you better just let me know.

- Oh wow, she exclaimed in awe. Well, I am 30. You guessed right the first time, sir, she said sharply. Her words stung him. 

- Well, that's all, he said and left her to her day.

The wedding part 18

She was feeling uncomfortable seeing him there, but tried her best to have a good time. And she did. Occasionally William would kiss and touch her and Leo would try not to look at them. When the time came to sing his new song, he dedicated it to someone special in the crowd, generally. Press was always present and he had to be careful to not let his emotions overrule him. 

In his break he had to change clothes, customary part of his performance. Although he didn't. He went from table to table claiming to do some socializing around and taking few photos with the fans. He hurried to their table and asked how they are doing and the couple thanked him for the champagne. Jessica managed to cover it up one more time mentioning the wedding and his performance and the topic ended there. 

The next day the press had released a new article about him and his "downfall", because he didn't change clothes for the performance. But the fans loved him, so this posed no serious issue for him. He called her early in the morning, but she didn't pick up. She texted him "I am at work right now, will call you later". And she did.

- What was all the drama last night? she asked.

- You had the guts to show up with him in my workplace, he uttered.

- It was William's idea for my birthday and I didn't know where he wanted to take me. And in the end of the day, your job is to be an entertainer! Did you see the papers?

- Yes damnit, I did. But I don't care, all I care is that I don't want to see you with him again.

- Leo... I think we are over. 

- Tell that to my face, I said. I m coming to pick you up after work for dinner.

- Ok, she said and they hang up.

They went in a nearby restaurant, which was not so well known. 

- I don't think so this meeting was necessary, she said coldly.

- I wanted to see you. I missed you. 

The appetizers arrived. He got her hand in his. 

- Till when will you punish me? I don't know what else you want. I am almost done with the divorce, have some patience and then we could be together normally. Look, we are finally having dinner. Do you have any idea what this may cost me if anyone sees us together?

- I know, she replied calmly. Thank you for doing that, I had missed you.

They finished their food and went to her place to have steaming hot sex. The night arrived and he had to go to his performance. He kissed her forehead, exchanged some love words and they moved on.

She was seriously thinking of William. To break up or not? Leo had been persistent and patient with her too. He knew about William and still remained. But that was their deal from the beginning. They would be a secret couple. And now they had the chance to be a more normal couple. 

She called William the next day. She wanted to make sure about her feelings. William arrived at her place and knocked on the door. They had a coffee and a nice chat when he dropped the bomb: 

- I want us to move in together, he expressed. 

- I think this is too soon, William. We are dating for about 3 months. We said we could take things slow.

- I know Jessica, but I am in love with you. I cannot stay away from you.

- I m not sure I feel the same, she said.

- I understand, and you don't have to, he replied.