
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The wedding part 30!

 Few minutes later she heard her intercom buzz. She went to pick it up thinking not much of it but got out of guard. It was William. She was a mess. Tired and looked horrible. She was also in a bad need of a shower. 

She was still thinking when a second buzz came in. She ran to the bathroom, and wore a robe on top of her non visible clothes. She threw water on her face in an attempt to feel better and also look kinda wet. And then a text lit up the screen "Why are you not opening?"

She went ahead and buzzed him in. 

- Sorry William, this is not the time, I was in the shower...

- Oh, that is fine, he said while coming in uninvited. I will wait for you here, go ahead and finish what you were doing. 

She was in awe. But sheepishly she did. She was thinking that she needed some time to think how to get rid off him. She had a quick shower with the door double locked. William, was nicely watching videos on his phone in the living room in the meantime.

After a while and feeling rejuvenated, she thought of actually confronting him if necessary. So she went and sat with him, after serving them both coffee. 

- So, what brings you here, she smiled broadly at him.

- I think you have super stories to tell me from your travels, he replied on the same note.

- Oh this is true.

And she went on for half an hour about her trip and the meetings she had with strangers. The coffee was finishing and she did not offer a second one. 

- William, enough with my trip. I don't think so you came here for that. Therefore, now that the coffee is over, tell me what really brings you here, she confronted him eventually.

- I want a second chance.

She raised an eyebrow. 

- I am serious, he went on. We were making such a good pair. I was honestly having fun with you. 

- William...she said in a serious tone. I don't think this is working out between us. 

She tried to speak as little as possible. 

- Why? he demanded. Is it because of Leo? I thought he is not in the picture anymore. I even asked you if you miss him and you never responded.

- True and that's because that message made me call him. I had missed him in reality. 

- So you will get back together?

- This is not in my mind at the moment. Listen, I am very tired and i need to rest. Can we end it please?

- Alright, I m sorry I came like this uninvited, but I had missed you, you know. I still have good feelings about you, but I cannot compete with another man for your heart. Decide and let me know. 

He left and she was annoyed with the discussion, but it ended in an easier fashion than she thought. She texted Leo "I am back", put it on silent and went to sleep.

Leo took some time to see the message but when he did, she was already awake. So he called her up immediately.

- Baby! he exclaimed. Are you really back?

- Yes, Leo, I am really back. I was thinking that I would like to meet you. 

- I can pass by now before work...

- Sure, let's do that, she replied and they hung up.

He showed up half an hour later at her flat. This time he was holding a bouquet of flowers. 

- Thank you, Leo, she said.

- I missed you, he hugged her and kissed her with passion.

- I have so much to tell you! she exclaimed.

- Wait, you didn't miss me?

- Of course I did! she replied. But listen...

And they talked and talked... He was asking her questions and she was answering honestly. Her storytelling had something magical to him. He was captivated. 

Making love came as a natural outcome. While laying there naked he asked her:

- You know, I was thinking, why don't you come tonight at my performance?

- Really? You want me there?

- Yes, I would like you to be there tonight. It is a special night, as I will present my new album. 

- Oh, so the time came! Of course I will come darling! Do you want us to meet there, so we can be discreet?

- Oh, no, tonight I want to take you there with me. With my car and everything. 

She was a little surprised. 

- How come?

- A lot of reporters will be there, and I want to finally present you if you agree. 

She had no energy to fight, but most importantly she had no reason to fight with him. 

She only said "Alright!" and then went on to get ready.

She looked like a bomb! She was ready to face the lights of the nightlife.

He complimented her and took her to the car. They drove the distance to the club and he went and opened the door. 

A swarm of reporters approached him and took photos of the couple. 

"Get used to this", he smiled at her. 

She looked at him puzzled. But still smiled broadly.

The performance opened up by other singers and performers and he went backstage to change for his time. She was seated in the front VIP row. 

He came on stage and welcomed everyone. All of them were singing in unison one of the most famous songs of his. When the crowd calmed down, he started what sounded like a speech:

- I want to welcome everyone tonight, for the presentation of my new album "Love me more", which is dedicated to a very special person in my life, who is tonight here with us. Can you please, Anna, come on stage?

She was impressed. And obliged. She was very happy and kind of familiar with these places, so she was feeling herself. She approached him on stage and he said to her "I told you to get used to it" off the microphone. 

Then he kneeled. 

- Will you marry me? he presented her with a ring.

She said yes and shortly after got married in a nearby town hall with even some of the press officially invited to the wedding. 

And they lived happily ever after...

The wedding part 29

 - What the actual fuck ?! he exclaimed. 

- Oh, I feel better telling you. I missed talking with you. What... what do I do? 

She was panicking. She had none of that in her mind when she called. All these because she was tipsy. She didn't like how William approached her as he called Leo an asshole, but on the other hand... maybe he was a bit of an ass? No, God, she didn t know. 

- What do you want me to tell you? Leo asked. 

- Nothing, she retreated. 

- Jessica are you ok now? Like, now. You sound weird. 

- I am tipsy, I won't lie. 

- Oh my God Jessica! Where the hell are you exactly?

- In Vilnius. In a restaurant. 

- How the fuck are you going to return to your hotel? Do you have any idea miss?

- Yeah, idiot, I will walk opposite. I am in a restaurant that is opposite of the hotel. All good. I was too tired to go out. 

- Ah, he growled. 

- Yeah Leo, I missed you. But I am staying longer. How about you? Any news?

- Yes, he replied and they went on for another quarter of the hour talking on the phone. 

When she hung up she felt relieved.  And she knew she missed him. She drank some more and then headed for her bed. William texted her again but she saw it the next morning :" When are you returning?" 

Her traveling time was up. She had to return home slowly. She could maybe steal another day or two, but that was none of his business... Or was it? Would she tell him she was returning? She left her phone aside and prepared to go for sightseeing. William was making her think too much for the time being and she didn't want to stress herself at all. At least not any further.

She enjoyed her time in Vilnius and did not respond to him for the next 2 days. She opened the message app on her phone and, while packing, texted him a simple "I'm returning today". He responded after an hour : "May I pick you up from the airport?". She was pondering it, but eventually ended up texting him : "No, thank you.". No explanations, no excuses. 

She landed a few hours later at her destination. She took a taxi and reached home exhausted as her flight had a connection and waiting time of around 4 hours. She opened her bag and was putting her clothes for washing when William texted her again: "are you home safely?". She saw no harm done in answering him. "Yes, thank you". 


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

A major switch poem. Haha!

  I knocked on doors, I did. 

They did not answer.

  I take this as a sign.

I turn my way around. 

  From cognitive neuropsychology

I go to medical one,

  with a minor on social psychology,

because I can do that,

  in this amazing university

I study at!