
Monday, April 15, 2019

few words

Sometimes I am stuck in "nowhere". That comes from being a bit here and a bit there. But my main problem in life, is not that i have no clue what to do with my life. That's long time ago figured out.

The problem that always existed, is that I cannot stop the time. Neither my weight nor my clothes or even my job.

Times flies, looking at the photos I can clearly lose the sense of year. Ha, anyways I never paid attention to those minor details. But today I was really wondering "was that 2 or 3 years ago?". So, it hit me.

It seems to me now that I cannot accept / face the vast and sudden changes in my life. Such as the the "adulthood" and the responsibilities that came with it. Don't get me wrong, I have never had any issue with dealing with responsibilities. Actually, this is exactly what made me mature fast (thanks for the conversation today friend). But my theory is being true: the more you grow up the harder the difficulty of life's settings.

 And as a foreigner in this country where i currently live in, any kind of change affects almost all aspects of my (everyday) life. Job, house, friends, pet, transportation, habbits, hobby.... And sometimes they are just too many to be taken care of. That's all.

 Wherever you are, I wish you could have had a glass of whiskey with me right now. I don t communicate with you, because the gap is so big and i don't have the sternght now to make it up to you. But mentally, you never left my side. Even if that s a matter of laughter.

 Good night, and please don't speed on your way home. Those machines are killers...


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