
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Turn it upside down

When it doesn't come your way, just turn it upside down and you might see that it matched since the beginning.

Hi everyone who reads this (yes I m looking at you, one person),

I'm going through a phase of "create opportunities" & "find yourself" a little bit-not that I ever lost it (speaking of recently). I practice mindfulness, trying to reach a yogi's peace of mind. Yes, I am again looking at all of those who were nagging I think a lot. I do, but finally I can control it on a primitive level. But primitive derives from the Latin primitivus, which means the first, the beginning of something.

Hence, that's the beginning of a new era ( my thirties!?) , a better "me" (notice I didn't write "new"-i finally made peace with myself!). I feel my brain has expanded to fit all the new things I am learning. Those include languages, finance related to work, observations about myself, information relevant to others and... Martial arts!


Well, guess who joined the gym? Ah no, not me.

The other ME!! And as always I don't speak as of after my first training,but rather after I made my mind friends with the idea that I will "build a body" (Greek phrase). Nope, I am not into bodybuilding, but I am into transforming the extra kilos I gained (whoops never mentioned it) to something similar I was as a teenager.

Disclaimer: my teenagehood is unknown when started but is known that finished around a year ago (yay I am an adult! Oh shit!)

So I am not speaking about any smoking hot body (have I ever even had it?) , but rather than a body in a better shape than this of a jello. Lol!

I don't feel like sharing many details of the martial arts I started practicing, as I feel a tad sensitive about it now (not to attract the evil eye -greek prejudices). But if the upcoming appointment makes sense and further progress, I ll post again.

For now, I ll cover myself with some sweet and sour memories, along with those bastard bitter ones and I ll go to bed, because as an adult I need to attend to my office.

And regarding the bitter memories, I have a line for that one person that will never read my blog again : "you are a bastard!!" (It had to be said at some point even if years have passed!)

My life is amazing guys.


It had also to be said.

Thank you and kind regards,
Anna Maria ....
Accounts receivable analyst




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Zinala said...

Με διαβάζεις μόνος ή με τη γνωστή αρχαία παρέα;

Anonymous said...

Πάντα μόνος, κάποια πράγματα δεν αλλάζουν.....

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