
Tuesday, February 22, 2022


The theme of the day is "rejection". From everywhere. 

Some of them, are about things I asked for, but some others I did not. Still rejected. Does it hurt? No. I burn them away. I am looking for something I cannot have and I shall not. 

Here, there, there and back here. Emptiness. 

"You are not my priority" => theme of my life, when I prioritize pretty much everyone else, before me. Some are important, some are not so. But who cares...

And as I told you, you know... I understand more than I say. I am way too good for you. This is what I did not dare to say. There are these words that cannot be said. They can be written. I am a writer anyways. That 's how people call me. 

Lust, sex, drugs and rock. We roll on the bed, in my mind. Or you know what? Leave it for another time, another life...


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