
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

First try of speech on camera, with script

Hello everyone,

Recently I had been to some training about positive storytelling and a part of the presentation required us to form groups and write a speech on subjects they gave us.

The team I was in, had the subject of the announcement of Nokia being bought by Microsoft to their employees.

We were roughly 7 people and I would like to thank them all for their part. It was the first project in my life that all the participants really PARTICIPATED ! I thought it would be 10 boring minutes, but it was not! Eventually I grabbed the opportunity and I volunteered to deliver the speech. It felt very strange as the CEO was a man and apparently I am not. In spite of the gender difference, I had some other difficulties. I had to hold a microphone and try to give my words some melody in order to express my passion. Simultaneously, I tried to look at my notes as less possible to make it natural. Well, only the text was required in the exercise, but since I got in the sea, I wanted to swim and not just get wet.

Below you can see a video. Obviously.

It is not the video of this speech delivery, but few days later I felt the urge to start practicing my public speaking. I have a lot to say, I have a lot of passion when I am one to one, but when it comes to crowd, I feel belittled.

I had written a different speech to deliver on camera which I even tested in the mirror and it went great! However, when i pressed "record", I felt as if I looked ugly, without passion, saying nonsense...

Believe me, I tried again and again.


So, I used the same- more or less- text I used when I was the Nokia CEO. Already tried recipe which gave me later on some congratulations in private, which I didn't expect as I was shivering when I got the mic.

Note: When I was younger I loved talking to people. I loved the attention and I loved that I could have few moments to say something in particular. I have taken roles in theatrical plays, i have danced in front of crowds and I was never anxious. But after college, it is as if there is a different self, less courageous. So, now I want to reverse it and be this "crazy" outgoing me I was.

Be kind with me and the video, I know I look funny. I tried to pretend I m looking at the crowd, in which I failed miserably, but that's why it is cute. Also, i say Nokia and I smile (too deep in the role for a sec!). In addition, I can see I am trying to see the script. And I need to work on my voice, pauses and the dramatic delivery. Nevermind. At least I am braver that before.

Here you are:


Many many thanks to the contributors of the speech. Unfortunately, I don't even know their names and I never saw them again, apart from Sudeep, with whom I share the flat and apparently my life too :)

Thanks for your feedback! I would highly appreciate if you can give me a subject for my next video, something like a small challenge! 


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