
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

And there are some dreams...

There are some annoying dreams, in which you appear.
And along with you, the possibilities appear as well.

Things that were meant to happen, meant to be said, meant to be meant eventually.

I know these silly games, but I deny my participation.
And the more I deny it the more you are there.

You know what I believe in, somehow? Here, i m saying it:

Parallel universes.

And I 've read an interesting book lately. "Maybe in another life", by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

Yes, maybe in another life. Or maybe in dreams. But thank God I wake up afterwards.

In one of the recent dreams, you were there though, looking at me straight in the eye. You were so proud of me. You said you had been searching for me and you could reach me only after my fame had risen. You were clear on that. You simply did not want to disturb my way to success.

Your eyes were sparkling more than ever! You had the particular smile of Gioconda with which I still remember you vividly.

I saw you there, one more and possibly a last time.

You had your wife in your arms. You were holding her tightly as in those photos stored in my external hard drive.
One photo taken in front of the emblem of the city in which I was born in. Cannot call it "my city". I do not belong there any more and I never did. But If you are wondering, I don't hate it exactly. I just had enough. But yes, for holidays, you better spend like 5 days there.

But coming back to what I was telling you, you were there together.

It's funny how much I owe to people who do not play anymore active roles in the scenario of my life. It seems as if they served a particular reason for meeting me.
Well, ok.

Back to the dreams now, I am glad I was involved with psychology books. I know exactly what most of them mean. The problem is that I deny it. Never mind.

I will keep you posted.


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